Common Mistakes made on Church Websites

In this technology age, church websites are a very important way to attract visitors and connect with members online. A well organized website properly introduces your church to people searching online and also the world at large.

How to Attract Visitors to your Church

As a church, attracting visitors is important as these are the first timers that eventually convert to full-time members. Without having people visit in the first place, it is almost impossible for the Church to grow. In this article we...

Strategies to Retain First Timers In Your Church

Church growth can be measured by how well you retain first timers that return after their first visit and keep coming after that. Strategies to retain first time guests are important as their first visit will be for various reasons....

How to Avoid Being Overwhelmed with Church Administration

Overall Church administration encompasses a lot of different aspects most especially around people and processes. It is made up of membership management, finance management, effective communication within Church leaders and with members. Church administration also involves having structured well-detailed processes...

User friendly and simple church management software including membership database, communications platform, event & attendance management, first timer retention workflow, &  multi branch management.

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