Do your church members know all the ways they can contribute financially to support the ministry? With advancements in technology, there are now many convenient and cost-effective ways for churches to collect donations. Online giving is among the most popular and has become a rapidly growing trend in church communication.

However, it’s important to remember that even after introducing digital giving options, church leaders may not always keep the congregation informed. If your church has a high turnout of visitors and new members, they may not be aware of the various ways they can support the church or become a financial partner.

There are several widely used methods to encourage the members of your church to contribute to charitable causes. It’s important to consider which of these options would be most effective for your congregation and how you can communicate these choices through various means such as video announcements, church gatherings, and Sunday services.

  • Cash and Check Donations: Writing a check or offering cash is a common practice that has been around for many years. Depending on the demographic of your church, this may be the most popular or least preferred method for tithes or one-time gifts. It’s important to inform people how to give cash or write a check, such as offering it during the worship service, mailing it to the church office, dropping it off during the week, or placing it in a designated container. Despite the trend towards mobile and online giving, make sure those who prefer traditional methods know how to do so. using cash or checks if they want to.
  • Online Giving: Does your church offer online giving options? If so, make sure to mention this during the offering time and in the bulletin or giving envelopes. Online giving usually includes the options for credit card transactions, debit card withdrawals, and automatic bank withdrawals. People who typically don’t carry cash or checks can give to your church through the website or church app. Note that online giving also has built-in security measures and often involves transaction fees. Over 5000 Churches use Churchplus for Online Giving in Nigeria.
  • Mobile Giving: Many people, particularly millennials, prefer giving through their mobile phones. A mobile church app, such as the one offered by Churchplus, can provide a seamless experience. If your church has a mobile app, make sure to let people know they can download it.

Other Solutions You Can Explore

Other way you can make it easier for people to donate, If your worship center has a screen, you can display a PowerPoint slide highlighting the different methods of giving. If there is no screen, you can include the options in the bulletin.

Churchplus provides a platform that streamlines all the giving methods, including mobile giving and online giving. If you’re interested in us providing more options for giving or suggesting a convenient way to manage church donations, click here.

Why It’s Important to Give and Different Types of Giving

  • Offerings: An offering is a financial gift given to the church or another Christian organization. This type of giving is not specifically tied to a specific amount or percentage but is instead given in response to a specific need or event. For example, an offering may be taken up for a disaster relief fund, to support a missionary, or to fund a specific ministry within the church. In the New Testament, offerings are mentioned in several places, including 2 Corinthians 8 and 9, where Paul talks about the generosity of the Macedonian churches and encourages the Corinthian church to be generous as well. Additionally, the book of Acts records several instances where offerings were collected for various needs and distributed to those in need.
  • Tithing: is a biblical practice of giving a tenth of one’s income to God. This concept was first introduced in the book of Genesis when Abraham gave a tithe to the priest Melchizedek. The Israelites were later required to tithe as a law in the Old Testament, with the people of Jerusalem being commanded to give a portion of their produce to the priests and Levites. In 2 Chronicles, it is described how tithing worked in a cashless society. The prophet Malachi promised blessings and abundance to those who were obedient in giving their tithe to the Lord. Though tithing is not explicitly mentioned in the New Testament, Jesus taught radical generosity among his followers. An example of this can be seen in the story of the widow who gave all she had in Mark 12.
  • Benevolence: is set aside for helping the poor with money, food, shelter, and resources. This is talked about in both the New and Old Testaments, with scriptures such as Deuteronomy 15:7-8, Matthew 6:2-4, and 2 Corinthians 9:7 calling for open-handed giving and generosity.

In summary, these four types of giving – Benevolence, Tithing, and Offerings – demonstrate the various ways in which Christians can respond to the needs of others and support the work of the church.

Lastly, It’s important to remember that giving should always be done in a spirit of worship and obedience to God, not just as a duty or obligation.

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